Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Da Cribbage

I love Michel Gondry's flare for whimsy and creative genious. He is a wonderful director, particulary his music videos. This film is an adorable spoof on the MTV show Cribbs.

Via: Super Delux

Alan Watts

From some of the creators of South Park comes a few short animations set to the musings of philosopher Alan Watts.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

Fascinating Times. A Generation approaching The Singularity.

Via: Viral Video Chart

Feild Shows Put to Shame

what a wicked cool show. The planning and execution of this boggles my mind. And its really long too. I like it.

Via: Viral Video Chart

To Know Ones Laws

For those like me who have yet to even review the Patriot Act this is a simple introduction worth reading. A bit too simple in some ways, but I don't feel entirely in the dark about it anymore. And that is the most important part.

Via: How Stuff Works

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Nooo :...(

Jun 18th marked the end of Gatecrasher One in Sheffield, England. This flagship of electronica clubs was gutted by a fire at about 5 in the evening last month. News says they intend to rebuild, biger, better, and louder, but until then i shall be one of many sheding a tear for a treashure lost.

Via: Never Stand Still


In an attempt to show exhibit a certain sense of humor and a bit of distinction, 7-11 corp is converting 6,000 stores into Kwik-E-Marts complete with Buzz Cola, KrustyO's cereal and, of course, Squishees! The timing is meant to work with the release of the new Simpsons movie. Sounds like at least one marketing department knows how to have a bit of fun.

Via: tv.msn.com