Tuesday, December 4, 2007

More Beach Art!

Presenting the art of Jim Denevan. His temporal beach designs are epic celebrations of in-permanence. Using driftwood and other items on the beach he creates massive geometric designs which drift away with the tide.

Via: Design-Milk

Monday, November 26, 2007

Find your Canidate!

Cool third pary quiz that helps you see which canidate might be in the ballpark of your political moors.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Its Alive... and its Evolving?!

A really awesome paper on Evolution and the "Wisdom of Crowds." very readable and insightful look at the evolutionary dynamics of systems like Wikipedia and Darwinian Evolution.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Oh the Amazingness

that is Alexander McQueen. I love his esoterc, edgy, creepy, and stunning apporach to the fashion world. His work finds dark, lucious, and profound beauty in conflict. I think i need to find more of his work.

Weird Science!

I know where I'm getting my FX for my next sci fi film.

Oh so French

A Fun and absolutely beautiful animation in a very classic french cell frame style. The wings are the best part.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Meet Android

The new open source platform for mobile devices of all shapes and color about to be released by Google.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Restore Habeas Corpus!

The legislation which was adopted earlier this year on war crimes struck out habeas corpus jurisdiction of the Federal courts, sought to limit jurisdiction of the Federal courts on habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees and others detained on charges of being enemy combatants or war criminals.

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution States:

``The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.''

Learn More At: http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/2006_cr/s4081.html
Take A Stand At: http://www.restore-habeas.org/

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

too pissed to drive?

Lets find out.

This is brilliant. Only in Germany would someone create a pissing video game. But its for a good cause. A company in Frankfut decided to combat drunk driving in the verry place all drunks end up. The leu of course. Check out the games details, along with some videos and picts.

Via: Electro^Plankton

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Free Dance Lessons

Go get your groove on. These kids understand that we all put on an act in public, so why not choose an act that inspires you. I want my act to dance. How about you?

Via: CBC

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Virtual phones

Touch screen phones with virtual keyboards can be anything, look like anything, and do anything a programmer and animator can imagine. new concept phone by AU KDDI a japanese phone company.

Via: Electro Plankton

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Da Cribbage

I love Michel Gondry's flare for whimsy and creative genious. He is a wonderful director, particulary his music videos. This film is an adorable spoof on the MTV show Cribbs.

Via: Super Delux

Alan Watts

From some of the creators of South Park comes a few short animations set to the musings of philosopher Alan Watts.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

Fascinating Times. A Generation approaching The Singularity.

Via: Viral Video Chart

Feild Shows Put to Shame

what a wicked cool show. The planning and execution of this boggles my mind. And its really long too. I like it.

Via: Viral Video Chart

To Know Ones Laws

For those like me who have yet to even review the Patriot Act this is a simple introduction worth reading. A bit too simple in some ways, but I don't feel entirely in the dark about it anymore. And that is the most important part.

Via: How Stuff Works

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Nooo :...(

Jun 18th marked the end of Gatecrasher One in Sheffield, England. This flagship of electronica clubs was gutted by a fire at about 5 in the evening last month. News says they intend to rebuild, biger, better, and louder, but until then i shall be one of many sheding a tear for a treashure lost.

Via: Never Stand Still


In an attempt to show exhibit a certain sense of humor and a bit of distinction, 7-11 corp is converting 6,000 stores into Kwik-E-Marts complete with Buzz Cola, KrustyO's cereal and, of course, Squishees! The timing is meant to work with the release of the new Simpsons movie. Sounds like at least one marketing department knows how to have a bit of fun.

Via: tv.msn.com

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hotel? No... Yotel!

Founder Simons Woodroffe is launching the first ever in airport hotel. Quite a brilliant idea I must admit. Simple first class rooms available for rental by the hour or for a full nights stay. Full accommodations with room for two, a shower, wi-fi, storage, mood lighting, TV and music. The perfect place to wait for those early morning red-eye flights, long layovers, delayed flights, or a place to freshen up before a business meeting/hot date. The disign is by Priestman Goode. The first hotel opens in the Gatwick Airport, with future openings planned for other airports in the UK. I can't wait till they catch on in the states.

Via: Yanko Design

Monday, June 25, 2007


So those who know me know I am allready obsessed with acrobatics. I just can't get enough of Cirque Du Solei. An now I can make my own little shows with these adorable little AcroBots. What a well done flash game. I must have spent an hour playing with this bloody thing... twice!

Google's Soo Cool

So Google is throwing money at people with the challenge to develop a viable hybrid/plug-in electric combo car that will get 100mpg. They are also pushing for energy reclamation systems that will take unused energy in the car such as heat and overcharged batteries and sell it back to power companies when the car is plugged into a standard outlet. Cool stuff. So who wants to buy me a 100mpg Prius!

via: How Stuff Works: Auto

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Experience, The New Reality

Via: Centripetal Notion

Diamond In The Rough by Foster&Partners

Anyone else think this looks like something out of the Dark Crystal. A giant eco-friendly tower,Khanty Mansiysk, is in the future for Siberian residents. This multi-use building is designed with the angles and facest of a glimmering diamond to maximize the suns radiance and energy within the building. The tower will accomodate, redents, work, and leisure bringing crucial amenities to this stark reigion.

Via: Electro^Plankton

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Half Way to Heaven

Only half completed, five years in the making, and already a monolith. Burj Dubai is a rising Star in the annals of architecture. Due to be the new tallest building in the world. Dubai City is the new Paris, the new London, and the new Hong Kong. make no mistake Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, president and prime minister of the UEA (United Arab Emirates) and ruler of Dubai is hellbent on making Dubai the new world center, and not doing a half bad job at it.

What I do know is that this building is stunning. I triumph of humanity, as much as the rest of Dubai City. I want to be there, opening day. Perhaps have a winter flat somewhere on the 300th floor. Yeah... that sounds nice.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Flat & Efficient Bulbs

Researchers have developed an ultra thin panel which illuminates using charged plasma, similar to fluorescent bulbs, injected into micro pockets within standard aluminum foil, sandwiched between plastic, glass, or crystal. This technology can be manufactured in any size in many shapes, and most importantly, its fairly inexpensive. The sheets are thinner than a sheet of LEDs, more efficient than incandescent bulbs (and fluorescent bulbs in the near future), and can be produced in many colours. the designers have founded a company called Eden Park Illumination and hope to have a marketable product in the next two years.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Future of Supercomputing

So Microsoft has released a beta version of their new photosynth software. This is killer computing here. a program that can intelligently extrapolate a 3D composite of a location from a large collection of arbitrary photos taken at that location. One can then navigate through these photos in a 3D environment that logically and seamlessly (assuming you have the computing power to keep up) transitions between the images placing them in the correct perspective/angle relative to the 3D model of the environment.

Whats wild about this is first, the information this software can store about an area is nonlinear, its in fact fractal. one can dive into the details of a room or environment for near infinity. The detail and depth of information is only limited by the source images used to generate the composite.

Second, the future of this technology is mindboggling. theoretically in a few years, systems could be set up to composite the globe, using every photo, image and picture ever taken, from high resolution satellite images to half a megapixle cell phone pictures. All of this stuff readily available on the net. Every picture you ever put on a computer integrated into one massive 3D generation of the world.

On the more practical side we will probably see Google and other mapping programs snatch this stuff up. No longer will you glide over dated satellite images of the planet, but will walk in 3D models down every street and alleyway ever captured on a camera. scarier yet, you will be able to walk into any building, house, or complex ever captured in a snapshot.

And I'm only scratching the surface. Its a brave new world. On the other hand I can't wait until I can play with this thing myself and start crating my own image composits.

Why I Am Here

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This is not a blog about me. I have been there and done that, and admire those that can keep it up.

No this is a blog to share all the fascinating, weird, innovative, groundbreaking, unique, fun, beautiful, important, and just plain cool stuff out there on the net, in the world, and in our lives.

This blog is for the curious at heart and because peoples interests are diverse.

I am also open to new authors if anyone else would like to become a writer for this blog. just let me know and I will review anyone who is interested.